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Weedpassion is an Czech company from Prague born with a very specific purpose: to supply Europe with the best CBD-based products.



How to smoke Light Cannabis?

2024-05-31 10:00

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How to smoke Light Cannabis?

In Czech Republic, you can buy it freely from authorized retailers, physical stores, and online. Today, we explain to you all the methods for smoking Cann.

In Czech Republic, it is possible to purchase it freely from authorized retailers, physical stores, and online. Today we explain all the methods for smoking Cannabis light.

The 5 most common methods for smoking Cannabis Light:

  • Joint
  • Bong
  • Hookah
  • Chillum
  • Vaporizer


The Joint is the most common term to define a rolled cigarette, also known as a joint.

To roll a Joint, you use rolling papers (usually long) and paper filters. It is advisable to use a grinder, which is a tobacco shredder that facilitates the work and makes the herb easier to roll.

The Joint can be smoked with tobacco or made pure, only with Cannabis. When consumed with tobacco, the latter loses some of its benefits, and all the substances present inside the tobacco will heavily influence the final result.

Rolling a Joint is a simple operation but not so obvious; you need to roll it evenly to avoid the famous "spoon," which is the situation where the joint burns only on one side, leaving the other side intact. Also, unlike a cigarette, the joint requires continuous aspiration to keep it lit.


The Bong, definitely bulkier but able to provide a very different method of intake, is indeed the way to achieve the best possible result. Firstly, with steam, certain particles are less divided and therefore more effective and filtered, thus reducing smoke impurities and combustion heat, which are dispersed for the most part.


The Hookah is very similar to the Bong, but in this case, the herb is not smoked after direct combustion. In the hookah, in fact, it is the charcoal that burns and forms the smoke, which then passes through the cannabis and from there into the flask, cooling, up to the suction tube.


The Chillum is nothing more than a modern pipe, with a conical and straight shape.

Among Cannabis Light enthusiasts, the Chillum is a highly appreciated tool because it provides a pleasant and extremely satisfying user experience. The smoke is full and dense, with an intense flavor marked by the characteristic aromas of cannabis or hashish. The effects of the Chillum are not at all comparable to smoking Cannabis through a Joint or Bong because the smoke intake is not only direct but also significantly more intense and deep. The Chillum requires long and deep draws; it is not recommended for novices or anyone using it for the first time, as it could irritate the respiratory tract and cause coughing or throat irritation.


Vaporizers have characteristics highly appreciated by legal herb smokers.

1 - The cannabis is not burned but heated, allowing the inhalation of active ingredients through steam.

2 - Low temperatures. Generally, smoking cannabis involves inhaling very hot smoke into the lungs, along with some harmful chemicals produced during combustion.
With vaporization, however, the temperature of the inhaled steam is much lower, and the chemicals from combustion are not a problem.

With medium/high-end vaporizers, it is also possible to control the vaporization temperature to control softness and intensity.

Of course, these are just simple tips; for any additional and specific information, we recommend consulting your trusted doctor and always following the current regulations.


In conclusion, we would like to recommend always relying on a serious and stable company in the market, where the various processing processes are valid and aimed at a healthy final product. A legal product, following Italian laws, falling within the permitted THC percentage limits, with correct cultivation and extraction methods aimed at qualitatively impeccable products.


www.weedpassion.it @ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Flazio Experience

www.weedpassion.it @ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Flazio Experience


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